An American multinational technology company that specializes in consumer electronics, software and online services




Steven Jobs was born February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California, and was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. He grew up with one sister, Patty. Paul Jobs was a machinist and fixed cars as a hobby. Jobs remembers his father as being very skilled at working with his hands.

Childhood - Steve Jobs Biography

Early life

Steve grew into an active and curious toddler. Twice they had to rush him to the emergency room: one time because Steve had stuck a metal pin into an electric socket and burned his hand, and another time because he had eaten poison!

When Steve was two, his parents adopted a baby girl named Patty. Three years later, the family moved to the town of Mountain View, near Palo Alto, in California. Steve later said that his childhood home was one of the things that inspired him as a designer.

Steven Jobs spent his childhood in Silicon Valley. He was the type of child who liked to stick to himself. He only did competitive swimming, and no team sports. He was interested in electronics and gadgets, because he would spend a lot of time in his neighbor's garage, who worked at Hewlett-Packard Company, (a computer company).

AGE 11

He attended Crittenden Middle School, but the area that the school is in is a poor area where kids were bullied. Steve was bullied at that school. It must have been too much for him because one day, he came home and told his adoptive parents that he wanted to transfer schools or he would never attend school again. He was 11 when he said this. The parents agreed and the family moved to another city, which was Los Altos, where he was able to attend Cupertino Junior High.

Over the next few years, Larry taught Steve a lot about electronics. He introduced him to Heathkits, a type of kit with detailed instructions for making items like television receivers and radio equipment. Steve said that these kits not only taught him how things worked but also helped him develop a belief that even things that seemed complex – like televisions and radios – could be studied and understood.

AGE 13

After moving to Los Altos, Steve became part of the Hackett-Packard Explorer Club where he came across his first computer. Once Steve was immersed into the tech world he started building cool machines and contraptions.


One of Steve’s first creations were a frequency counter, but did not have the right parts. Instead of wishing away his time, he figured out a way to make it happen. Steve called up many companies and not only did he get the parts he needed, he got a job at HP helping on the assembly line. Once completing Junior High, he joined Hampstead High School where he got a chance to attend some lectures at the office of Hewlett Packard.