
The largest social network in the world…



AGE 1-10

love for amateur computer programming and Star Wars


AGE 10-12

He used to mostly build games for himself. He started off by making these games that he termed as “terrible games” - He made this game about a snowball fight, that he could play with his sisters, and the graphics were literally stick figures. He was able to get his sisters to play with him this way as they’d prefer playing the game than actually having a snowball fight outside where we grew up in New York.

He also built a program connecting his father’s home and office computers, calling it “ZuckNet”, by hacking the Atari game console. Growing up, his dad’s dental office was actually connected to their home. The dentists and hygienists needed to share data on the patients. So he built a system where he could communicate with folks across rooms, and can also communicate with him and his sisters upstairs—and he called it ZuckNet.




AGE 13