
KRY is the market leader and only CE-certified, app-based service for meeting doctors through video meetings in Sweden. They deliver streamlined healthcare at the patient’s own convenience while reducing the pressure on traditional healthcare providers so that they can provide better care for those patients most in need of it.


Josefin grew up in Sweden and as a teenager she was competing professionally in both skiing and golf. She have always had a big interest for health and well-being. After several years as an entrepreneur, she co-founded the healthcare app Kry. The company grew quicker than anyone had thought, and after a few years it had become a leading player in the digitalization of primary care in Europe.

Having competed professionally in both skiing and golf, her ability to give guidance and coaching to entrepreneurs may be second to none:

“Having made the journeys I have, both as a founder/operator and athlete gives me a unique perspective on how to go for your dreams. In essence, it’s about breaking things into pieces small enough to chew. On a more practical level, I think I have learned important lessons that I’ll be happy to pass on to the next generation of founders.”

-Josefin Landgård



She attended Stockholm School of Economics and completed her Masters in 2009.



