The largest video platform in the world…


AGE 1-10

He always wanted more and more independence

The Gates family was very warm and close

All three children were encouraged to strive for excellence

AGE 10

His parents never let him limit his independence

Gates enjoyed playing board games and excelled at Monopoly

He was taken along with his mother, Mary to volunteered in schools and at community organizations.

Bill Gates was a great reader as a child and he spent many hours reading reference books like the encyclopedia.

AGE 13

By age 13 he would spend chunks of time away from home

Aged 13, Gates attended the private Lakeside school. It was here that Gates had his first introduction to computers. He taught himself to programme in Basic, making a simple ‘Tic-Tac-Toe’ game. Gates enjoyed the process of working with computers and arranged with a company Computer Center Corporation (CCC) to spend time on their computers – learning source code, such as Fortran, Machine Code and Lisp.


In high school he was always very smart which made him very bored which got him into a lot of trouble

Bill wrote a tic-tac-toe program in basic computer language which allowed the user to play against the computer.